Posts Tagged ‘confidence’

The 6 Most Common Reasons Women Ask for Sexual Support

My team has been analyzing some of the data I’ve been collecting over the years for why women approach me. We’ve narrowed it down to six key issues that people want help with when they contact me and what they focus on when they come into my sexual empowerment programs. I thought I’d share some of our [...]

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The Geography of Confidence

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The Truth About Confidence

 Last year, I worked with an amazing and outspoken woman who came to me in the wake of a divorce from the only person she’d ever had sex with. Using my Confidence Type system I’d say she was truly a power player in the world, but she was incredibly insecure when it came to men—almost [...]

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Confidence in the Boardroom and the Bedroom

It’s easy to look at a powerhouse woman who makes big business deals, runs huge organizations, or influences the masses and think she’ll be a sexy powerhouse in all things seduction, flirtation, sex and drip. But that equation rarely adds up so cleanly. It would be nice if we could take our natural born talent [...]

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5 Reasons Why Most People Lack Sexual Confidence

When I ask people what they most want for their sexual lives, they often say they really want more confidence. Helping people to build confidence is a huge part of my work with clients, and it’s a huge result of the work we do. So why do most people seem to lack sexual confidence? There [...]

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How Do I Get More Confidence?

I have been teaching sexuality for so long and over the years when I ask people—women in particular—what they think they need in order to feel sexually empowered, without reservation, the number one answer I get the most is “I want more confidence” or “I want more sexual confidence.” My conclusion? Most people want more [...]

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