Posts Tagged ‘healthy relationships’

Will You Forsake Your Sexuality for Security?

I speak to women all the time who are facing a major dilemma about how they’ve set up their lives: they have chosen a relationship that makes them feel safe, cared for, stable, and is a good place to raise their children. They have the consistency and show-up-ness of a steady, committed partner that makes [...]

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The 5 Biggest Fears About Desire

I’ve been speaking and writing about desire lately because I believe that understanding and opening to desire is so central to living a fulfilled life. If you missed my call last week, “Claim Your Sexual Power: 5 Steps to Stop Fearing Your Desire and Start Living It,” I want to share my observations on the [...]

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What Does Sexual Power Actually Mean?

Someone told me recently that having a women’s weekend called “Sex-Money-Power” sounds masculine. When I probed further, they said “power” is more of a man’s word and that women don’t really relate to it. I’ve been chewing on that idea and continuing to have conversations with people I met at TEDx last week with people [...]

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Soulmate Search: How to Find “The One”

It’s Valentine’s Day and I thought it would be apropos to talk about finding “the one” because this Hallmark holiday is built around supporting couples—people who have ostensibly found their one true love. I’ve always disliked that—what about the solo folks who do not identify themselves as part of a pair? How about the unabashedly [...]

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So You Want a Great Relationship?

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about commitment. Women often come to me because they want the perfect relationship. They want someone to show up for them, to be true, not to stray, to be present and authentic. They want to be fully loved. And they can’t figure out why they’ve never had that. Well, [...]

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Are you sacrificing sex for your relationship?

This material is adapted from Amy Jo’s teleclass, “The 5 Biggest Mistakes Couples Make When It Comes to Sex… and What to Do About It.” Finally, the fifth biggest mistake that couples make about sex is that they settle for whatever they have, thinking it’s normal. They don’t get any help or talk to anyone [...]

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Blame and Guilt will Slay Your Sex Life

This material is adapted from Amy Jo’s teleclass, “The 5 Biggest Mistakes Couples Make When It Comes to Sex… and What to Do About It.” The fourth mistake couples make when it comes to sex involves blaming the other person for sexual issues, as if blame and guilt will inspire their partner to “fix” it. [...]

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Is your sex life on auto-pilot?

This material is adapted from Amy Jo’s free telecall, “The 5 Biggest Mistakes Couples Make When It Comes to Sex… and What to Do About It.” Right now I’m doing a series on the 5 biggest mistakes I see couples make with sexuality and relationships, and the one I want to share today has to [...]

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Why does he need porn when he has ME?

Porn in 2013 has become the ubiquitous other woman. The porn debate is intense and complex for many people. I hear people talk about the role they think porn is playing in their sexual lives and I’ve noticed a big pattern where many women feel like it gets in the way of their being able to be intimate with their partners. Maybe that’s true, but I think there are other factors going on that I want to address in this article.

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Sexy Come Back! The #1 Reason Sexy Goes Away

Here’s the deal: the intricacies of daily life ARE somewhat at odds with the desire to feel sexually ‘on’ all the time. When your mundane life takes over, all of the details of the house, chores, errands, bills, laundry, and other daily tasks put a serious damper on your sex life. These things are NOT particularly sexy. Although a creative person can put some sexy in there, these things put a damper on sex and sexiness. They do not tend to inspire passion and creativity. Rather, they are about basic survival and productivity. Not all that sexy.

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