Posts Tagged ‘inner wisdom’
The Sensuality of Solstice
There is something magical and sparkly about Winter Solstice, something that makes it sexy. That going in and going deep, that dreaming and bringing forth, that yearning for the sun, that will and desire that percolates beneath the quietude of wintertime.
What is Embodied Sexuality?
I developed a playful new workshop for an event where I taught this past weekend. I was really inspired about “Embodied Sexuality,” and am finding myself asking the question, what does it mean to fully embody my sexuality? For me, it means a lot of things. My embodied sexuality means I am fully present in [...]
New Year’s Ritual 2012
As the year comes to a close, might I suggest that you find a way to ritualize it for yourself and make it meaningful on an internal level. I encourage you to take some time to reflect on your life and all of its gifts as the year turns.
Listen! Your Relationship is Whispering
But still, it’s so easy to see now how I slowly allowed the comfort, routine and “safety” of relationship to dictate my actions or inactions. How easy it is to slip into a place over time where we don’t even realize we are compromising ourselves, when we stop questioning our relationship and our place in it because maybe we are tired, or maybe we don’t want the honest answers, or maybe it’s just really hard work and we aren’t up for it. Maybe we don’t even see it…Yet we would follow a path of joyful living where we could be so present with ourselves, our loved ones and our process if we made our daily spiritual practice this checking in and acting on our own behalf.