Posts Tagged ‘L/G/B/T/Q’

Sexual Fantasies: What they mean and what to do about them?

The incredible questions that poured in last week for my call on female desire have got me thinking about the topic of fantasies: what they are, what they’re meant for and what to do with them. I’m happy to say that I think we’ve come a long way since 1973, when Cosmo ran a feature [...]

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The Two Fundamental Differences In the Experiences of Queer People

(that heterosexuals might never think about) There are two fundamental things that are so different about queer people that heterosexuals take for granted and might never consider in their lives—unless they want to, or are forced to by their own sexual unhappiness. I’m getting so many questions this week about queer identities, about how to [...]

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I Was Terrified the First Time I Went to a Lesbian Bar

I can still vividly remember the first time I went to a lesbian bar in New York City. Okay, I’d been to one in Dallas once before—but with a big group of friends so it wasn’t as big a deal. This was the big gay city. After I’d landed in Greenwich Village and I’d met [...]

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I’m Coming Out Poly

I’ve “come out” many times in my life. My coming outs are not usually big announcements, they just entail me living how I want to and not hiding it. But sometimes it’s really valuable to come out, to stand, be counted and seen. We’ve made a ton of progress on helping lesbian, gay and bisexual [...]

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Who is still “Defending Marriage”?

This week, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the Defense of Marriage Act, an abysmal law that President Clinton signed into being during his term. That was a dark night in the Clinton years. I find it so interesting that a president who actually pushed the bounds of sexuality in daring to be a sexual [...]

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Why Sexuality Matters in the 2012 Election

I have worked in the sexuality field for over 18 years. I came to the field in the darkness of the pre-Internet era, long before information about sexuality—and the knowledge that the sexuality field existed—was easily accessible online. Like many people, I grew up without any information or guidance around sexuality, and I went through [...]

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An Evolution of Position

Dear President Obama, I just watched your ABC interview where you came out, at last, in support of equal rights for all Americans. I mean, it’s a little ironic isn’t it? You being our first African-American President and all. I’m guessing you’ve experienced an obscene amount of discrimination during your life and certainly within your [...]

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What Made You Become a Sexuality Professional?

SPECTRA is the program I never had and wished I did. It will help sexuality professionals connect with each other, develop their skills, and make more money doing exactly what they love so they can serve the world in a bigger way with their gifts.

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The Pursuit of Sexual Freedom

if women’s self-determined use of birth control and same-sex couples’ marriages make it impossible for others to “preserve” their own personal sexual values, then those values are built on quicksand and should be re-evaluated.

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Gay Marriage in NY! Now What?

New York State passed a law making marriage between two people of the same sex legal on Friday, June 24, just in time for New York’s biggest gay celebration of the year, and one of the biggest Pride events in the world. This has been a long road and finally we had a governor who took a strong stand for equality in New York and hopefully other states will take our lead and end their institutionalized apartheid.

What does this really mean? Is it all that important? Why do the gay folks even want to be a part of an “institution” that the heterosexuals can’t seem to manage worth a darn?

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