Posts Tagged ‘opening up’
Walking the Tightrope of Pleasure and Danger
When people find out that I am a sexual empowerment coach, a lot of the time their response is: “Oh, so you do prevention?” I always smile inwardly because I know what this assumption means. No, I answer, I’m not here to prevent your sexuality — actually I’m here to encourage its fullest expression! In our [...]
I’m Coming Out Poly
I’ve “come out” many times in my life. My coming outs are not usually big announcements, they just entail me living how I want to and not hiding it. But sometimes it’s really valuable to come out, to stand, be counted and seen. We’ve made a ton of progress on helping lesbian, gay and bisexual [...]
No More Sexless Holidays!
It’s that holiday time again, the time of joy, cheer, holy union, time to be with family, the warmest time of the year, right? So many expectations go into the holidays and what will happen. If you are in a new relationship there is the new relationship giddiness, or meeting the family for the first [...]
Hurricane Sandy Just Had a Big Raging Orgasm
I wonder how you are keeping a lid on your sexuality because you are afraid to blow like that. I’ve been talking to a lot of people about their sexual lives recently. I notice that many are used to keeping it down, keeping it quiet, keeping it intact, keeping it neat. Sex isn’t neat. It can rock you like a hurricane. It can feel that vulnerable, that big, that expressive.
The Power of Speaking the Unspeakable
I have found that speaking the unspeakable empowers me. It’s a gift to name what others will not name, to say what’s really going on rather than pretend it’s not. Most people pretend. It’s easier, but it sure doesn’t help you create the life you really want. Others almost always appreciate it when I speak what no one else would, because it opens up the space for them to be more transparent, honest and present in our dialogue.
The Sexuality of Sexy Clothing: Not That Simple
The straight world has much to learn from the queer spaces that challenge these ideas, where people are forced to consider gender, gender roles and cultural norms in a very different way, an unprivileged way, where nothing is taken for granted.
Hump Like You Mean It!
When you go for something you want in life, it’s never a straight shot: you can see the goal, but there are several “obstacles” that stand in between you and that goal. In sexuality and in life, sometimes you just have to push through to get over the hump.
How Do I Get More Confidence?
I have been teaching sexuality for so long and over the years when I ask people—women in particular—what they think they need in order to feel sexually empowered, without reservation, the number one answer I get the most is “I want more confidence” or “I want more sexual confidence.” My conclusion? Most people want more [...]
What is Embodied Sexuality?
I developed a playful new workshop for an event where I taught this past weekend. I was really inspired about “Embodied Sexuality,” and am finding myself asking the question, what does it mean to fully embody my sexuality? For me, it means a lot of things. My embodied sexuality means I am fully present in [...]
Sex and Love Mentors
Sometimes when we are struggling to love ourselves as much as we wish we could, somebody comes into our lives and they love us so fiercely, so big and so wholly, that they teach us how to love ourselves. They become our model for our own self-love.