Posts Tagged ‘opening up’
How to Get What You Want
If you have believed in this lack for a long time, it will take some time to unravel it. And you can do it. Will you decide to claim the pleasure, joy, love, relationships, and gorgeous experiences that are your birthright? You are not meant to be miserable and deprived. You are meant to be free and creative. What life are you creating for you in this moment?
What is Erotic Authenticity?
I believe that to become fully sexually empowered, we must explore our erotic nature and stop making assumptions about what it is or what it wants. We must stop judging ourselves by telling ourselves what we “should” be.
Opening Up to Possibility with Sex Play
I believe one of the most important secrets to having a joyful, fulfilling sexual life with longevity is play. Sexuality is not meant to be rote, routine or predictable, but many of us end up in sexual lives where we feel like that.
Why Invest in Your Sexuality?
I assist people with one of the most important least talked about aspects of their lives. I work to help people change harmful relationship patterns and sexual practices so that they can have more pleasure, better sex, deeper intimacy, and ultimately, live more fulfilled lives.
Release Sexual Shame and Blockages: Sexually Empowered Life Step 2
We all have experiences of shame to work through at some point relating to our sexuality. To live a sexually empowered life, you need to directly work on your internal shame that keeps you from being the fully actualized sexual person you are meant to be.
When Erections Are Elusive
Men who learn to use their fingers, hands, mouths and brains in sex will be far less destabilized when erectile difficulties crop up. They know they have many tools of pleasure at the ready and they will use them rather than the alternative: avoiding sex altogether.
Why Men Don’t Get Help For Sex
Everyone has work to do on their sexuality at some point in their lives. I mean EVERYONE. The
majority of people, certainly the majority of men, will never do it. They will stay trapped with their
egos demanding an impossible performance of them.
The Illusion of Independence
In healing from loss, I could see how my independence had become a shield that protected me from really living my life. My orientation to this part of myself finally could shift in my new understanding of what interconnection really is. This was not some new-agey artificial proclamation of “we are one” but a deep knowing of a story I’ve carried in my bones and cells from my ancestors for lifetimes.
Sexuality is About Opening Up
Sexuality is about lushness, abundance, beauty, aliveness, fullness, expansion, desire, connection. It’s the opposite of lack and deprivation. It’s about fulfilling our desires and exploring new terrain. It’s about opening up. But opening up is scary for most people.