Posts Tagged ‘pleasure’

No More Sexless Holidays!

It’s that holiday time again, the time of joy, cheer, holy union, time to be with family, the warmest time of the year, right? So many expectations go into the holidays and what will happen. If you are in a new relationship there is the new relationship giddiness, or meeting the family for the first [...]

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A Thanksgiving Prayer for Sexuality

On this Thanksgiving day, I want to offer a prayer of gratitude for my sexuality and for yours. Stream the Thanksgiving Prayer audio here. Spirit, Universe, Creator, Source, All that Is, I am so grateful for my sexuality. I am so grateful for my body, for the pleasure that I get to experience everyday for [...]

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How much can you tolerate?

CLICK BELOW TO LISTEN TO THE AUDIO BLOG This week I am in Phoenix, very hot Phoenix, and I have been thinking about the idea of the things that people tolerate. I hear all of the time about the things people are tolerating in their sexual lives that, a lot of time, they don’t even [...]

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The World of Sexy VIPs

Several years ago I began doing VIP days for clients as part of my work as a sexual empowerment coach. Many people don’t understand what a VIP day is or why anyone would choose to invest in an intensive day to address their sexuality and relationship issues, desires and proclivities: “A VIP day for sex? What [...]

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Fun or Fluff? A Whole Lot of Faking Going On

I’ve been thinking a lot about how sexuality gets promoted and about “the pleasure industry” lately and after a few conversations with people, I knew I needed to write about the difference between fun and fluff.

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There is No Sexual “Normal”


I believe that one of the most important things you can do to claim your sexual power is to learn what it means to come home to your sexual self.

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The Sexually Empowered Life

The Kiss - Gustav Klimt

We learn to deal with sexuality in deficits. What’s not there. What we don’t have. What we can’t be. What we can’t do. What we need to stay away from. I’d like to swing the lens around 180 degrees and take a look at what we DO want. What we CAN be. What we CAN have. What we CAN do. What types of lovers we CAN draw to us. What experiences we CAN create for ourselves. How we can EXPAND who we are exponentially when we develop, nurture, heal and explore our sexuality.

This week, I want to answer the question, “What does it mean to be a sexually empowered person?”

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Sex and the Single “Person”…in 2013

Our culture sees sexuality as something that gets activated when you get into a relationship, like a switch that turns on and allows a current of flirtation, seduction, playfulness and hotness to flow into your life. But I see sexuality as our core energy, our life force: a fire that’s always present. Sometimes it blazes brightly, sometimes it settles down to embers, and sometimes it needs to be reignited, but it’s always there. Your ability to ride those waves of hotness, desire, playfulness and sexual deliciousness is not dependent on being with someone else. It all comes from within YOU.
Do you take responsibility for your pleasure and orgasms?

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Sexy Come Back! The #1 Reason Sexy Goes Away

Here’s the deal: the intricacies of daily life ARE somewhat at odds with the desire to feel sexually ‘on’ all the time. When your mundane life takes over, all of the details of the house, chores, errands, bills, laundry, and other daily tasks put a serious damper on your sex life. These things are NOT particularly sexy. Although a creative person can put some sexy in there, these things put a damper on sex and sexiness. They do not tend to inspire passion and creativity. Rather, they are about basic survival and productivity. Not all that sexy.

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Why Elvis was a sexual pioneer

I always knew Elvis made huge contributions to music and film and that he accomplished a lot in his short life. Some of us are meant to be bright stars that burn out…he was one of those stars. He died at 42—my age now, and I was so struck by how much he did in his short life. He said, “Every dream I ever had came true.” What an amazing thing to feel about your life. We could all hope to feel that way.

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