Posts Tagged ‘sexually empowered life’
What Does Sexual Power Actually Mean?
Someone told me recently that having a women’s weekend called “Sex-Money-Power” sounds masculine. When I probed further, they said “power” is more of a man’s word and that women don’t really relate to it. I’ve been chewing on that idea and continuing to have conversations with people I met at TEDx last week with people [...]
When Your Sexual Energy is Blocked
We all have a bowl inside us, a well, a deep gorge of energy that is our core sexual energy. For many people, that energy is buried deep, smothered, depleted, seemingly inaccessible. For others, it is alive, vibrant, flowing and rich. No matter the state of your sexual well, you’ve got one. If you feel [...]
Sex and the Scared Little One
I’m in a tricky business. I talk to people all the time who want to change their lives (it seems), and who want to break out bigger, and experience more sexually, because they KNOW there is more–and they just don’t know how. So they reach out to me, or someone else who works with people around [...]
The 5 Major Myths About Sex and Money
This material is adapted from Amy Jo’s teleclass, “The 10 Ways Sex and Money Are Connected.” I want to share the five major myths about sexuality with you, and in the spirit of looking at the connections between sex and money, I think you’ll be surprised at the ways these myths overlap. 1. “Sex [...]
Someone Called Me a “Slut” at My Business Conference
I am often amazed at what people think it’s okay to say to others, especially people who are perfect strangers. I was a sponsor at a business event last week and a woman came up to me at my booth and said, “Are you the sex lady? You’re a real slut aren’t you?”
Am I Sexually Broken?
I want to talk to you about the idea that you are sexually broken. I have been hearing from women over the last several months about this idea that they are broken. And a lot of times they are welling up with tears, and this is the first time they’ve ever voiced this to someone. [...]
The Sexually Empowered Life
We learn to deal with sexuality in deficits. What’s not there. What we don’t have. What we can’t be. What we can’t do. What we need to stay away from. I’d like to swing the lens around 180 degrees and take a look at what we DO want. What we CAN be. What we CAN have. What we CAN do. What types of lovers we CAN draw to us. What experiences we CAN create for ourselves. How we can EXPAND who we are exponentially when we develop, nurture, heal and explore our sexuality.
This week, I want to answer the question, “What does it mean to be a sexually empowered person?”
Hurricane Sandy Just Had a Big Raging Orgasm
I wonder how you are keeping a lid on your sexuality because you are afraid to blow like that. I’ve been talking to a lot of people about their sexual lives recently. I notice that many are used to keeping it down, keeping it quiet, keeping it intact, keeping it neat. Sex isn’t neat. It can rock you like a hurricane. It can feel that vulnerable, that big, that expressive.
The Power of Speaking the Unspeakable
I have found that speaking the unspeakable empowers me. It’s a gift to name what others will not name, to say what’s really going on rather than pretend it’s not. Most people pretend. It’s easier, but it sure doesn’t help you create the life you really want. Others almost always appreciate it when I speak what no one else would, because it opens up the space for them to be more transparent, honest and present in our dialogue.
The Sexuality of Sexy Clothing: Not That Simple
The straight world has much to learn from the queer spaces that challenge these ideas, where people are forced to consider gender, gender roles and cultural norms in a very different way, an unprivileged way, where nothing is taken for granted.